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This ministry is all about the Gospel of Yahweh, and the good news of Yahshuah our salvation. We invite you to partake of the text lessons, and to join in our Messageboard and LIVE VOICE CHAT.
A brief analysis concerning the use of Yahshua/Yahshua here instead of "Jesus." |
The prophets prophecied concerning Yahshuah coming to the world and becoming a sacrifice for the sins of the people. Here is an interesting study of why he is, as his name declares, the Salvation of Yahweh!
Are The Ten Commandments a part of the New Covenant? Is the message that Yahshua, the apostles, and John the Baptist concerning repentence a vain message? Learn about the righteousness of Yahweh through The Ten Commandments. |
Which day of the week has Yahweh hallowed and sanctified as the weekly sabbath of rest and a holy convocation? Did this day change, and if so, why? |
Which days of the year are sanctified as holy according to the God of the Creation? Are these the same "holi" days that the world acknowledges today?
Which set of laws were done away with the death/sacrifice of Yahshua? Here is what GRACE is all about!
What was the color and the appearance of the ancient Israelites?
How exactly can any tribe of Yahweh's chosen people be lost? Find out through the scriptures how we can clearly identify the Israelites today.
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